Test: Favero Assioma

Italijansko podjetje Favero, ki je v svet merilcev moči “zašlo” pred nekaj leti, je pred letošnjim poletjem predstavilo novo različico kolesarskega merilca moči poimenovanega Assioma. Assioma ne predstavlja revolucije v primerjavi z njihovo prvo verzijo bePro. Spremembe so namreč evolucijske – relativno majhne, a vsekakor pomembne. Kar pa je najpomembnejše, Preberi več…


Assioma Power Meter Pedals: breakthrough technology applied to cycling, to make your training more efficient and effective than ever. Set your targets with ultraprecise and reliable watt measurements. Hard facts, not estimates, to make the most of each pedal stroke. [wc_button type=”primary” url=”https://cycling.favero.com/assioma” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” url_rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=”” position=”” Preberi več…

Pedals comparison

We will summarize the three most popular pedals and then put them head-to-head in a power meter pedals comparison. The Assioma is the most affordable dual-sided power meter on the market. It’s also one of our best-selling power meters, period. [wc_button type=”primary” url=”https://powermetercity.com/2016/09/25/power-meter-pedals-comparison/” title=”Visit Site” target=”blank” url_rel=”” icon_left=”” icon_right=”” position=”” class=””]PREBERI Preberi več…

In-Depth Review

It’s been about three months since Favero announced their next generation power meter pedals, the Assioma.  These pedals would build upon the BePro units of two years ago, doing away with the complicated installation process while also adding in Bluetooth Smart support and a companion app.  Like the previous generation, Preberi več…

Leto dni kasneje

Pred dobrim letom dni smo ocenili delovanje kolesarskega merilca moči BePro Favero, ki je takrat izpolnil večino pričakovanj in si prislužil odlično oceno. A ker navadno šele čas pokaže dejansko vrednost »dragih igračk«, smo se odločili, da svoje mnenje podamo še po letu dni uporabe. (več …) [wc_button type=”primary” url=”http://www.kineziolog.si/leto-dni-kasneje-bepro-favero-merilec-moci/” Preberi več…

Bovški maraton

Premiera spletne trgovine v Bovcu! Marko Baloh je z Assioma pedalom opravil svoj 2 urni trening na trenažerju. Pri tem je uporabil Zwift igro, kot tudi testiral novo beta verzijo kolesarske simulacije Simathlon.